Sunday, February 28, 2010

February Meeting: Progressive Paintings

If you missed the February Meeting , you missed the beginning of our latest creative group project. With two canvases on hand, the group just naturally devided into two camps: Oils and Acrylics.

Progressive Paintings Started

Michael Waters starts off the painting by the Acrylics Group while Jim Penland gets the Oils Group started.
At loosely timed intervals, artists switch places.
Sue Rau adds a bit of blue ...

In Progress ...

Michael Waters adding color to the Acrylic Canvas, while Diane Brown contributes to the developing Oil Canvas.
And Sue Rau begins to add some detail..


Lynne Jessick and Rae Jaffe continue to work on the Oil Canvas while Doris Botts adds to the Acrylic Canvas.

Finished (For Today) Paintings

Sunday, February 14, 2010

January Meeting & Press Coverage

The Challenge: Everyone was asked to bring a post card to the December meeting. All the cards were put into a bag and each person drew a card randomly.  The challenge was to create something in any medium, using the post card as inspiration and/or incorporating it into the piece.
As usual, we were treated to an amazing array of  really unique and creative work.  I apologize for the poor quality of some of the shots that follow. It was a very hectic meeting with Daily Journal reporter Joel Landau there with photographer Cody Glenn. Here's a link to the front page article they ran about the group and  the Artists's Consortium one year anniverary.

There is a gallery section on the Daily Journal website with more of the photos they took, but the captions are out of order and the photos are mixed together with another story. Start with photo #4 (of 23)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

January Meeting - The Post Card Challenge

Rae Jaffe holds up her painting, a univeral small town street scene.
Jim Penland's mixed media pieces based on a 'time postcard' theme.
Island inspired watercolors by Annette Maynard.

Post Card Challenge

A water color by Kelly Hughey inspired by a postcard featuring Marie Natale.
Wood block prints of frogs, along with an acrylic painting of frogs, by Diane Brown.

Post Card Challenge

A close up of Diane's block print of frogs.
Assemblage by Michael Waters.
Assemblage by Lynne Jessick.

The Post Card challenge

Sue Rau's watercolor based on the post card "reptiles from textiles."
A series of  Island scenes by Doris Botts.
A self portrait by Jay Stevenson welded together from nails and steel.